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State o f water

Water is the most precious substance nature has given us without which no life can exist. But how many of us are using water responsibly? Many of us stock up wealth for our children's future to ensure they will be happy with the wealth even if we are not around. How will they be happy if we send them into a future with no "WATER"

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers

Even now we see countries, states, villages and neighbors fighting over water and like land mafia, water mafia has started in many cities to control the source of water and make money out of it. Water which was available free once, has become a expensive essentials in our day to day life. Water scarcity is a threat to our lively hood and business. Though nature has given us plenty of sea water, making this water useable is very expensive.

If we don't wake up now and use water judiciously we may end up having a society that will fight and kill each other for water! If there is anything in the world which does not have alternative, it is only “WATER". Mankind has invented wheel to rockets but has not found an alternative to "WATER".


Imagine for a moment in our life without water! What we don't know about water will cost us a lot and what we learn about water can save us a lot! Water like electricity and gas is an essential utility. The better we learn to use it properly the better our future will be!

Out of all living things in our world GOD has given us the sixth sense to think! With this, let all of us, as a corporate social responsibility and sustainability initiative focus today on our water crisis for a better tomorrow! Let all of us help create a livable planet!

Ionic welcomes all the visitors who visit our website, to explore and find innovative solutions related to water and waste water we provide. Here you will find interesting information and solutions that will make to understand the “TRUE COST OF WATER”.

We Remove Everything from Water Except - “Hydrogen & Oxygen”

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Our Solutions

IONIC Border

IONIC Water Treatment Solutions

Water Treatment Solutions

IONIC Border

Ionic can reduce Capex by intelligent and innovative solutions, reduce water consumption, reduce power, reduce chemicals, reduce consumables and maintenance, increase productivity and reduce waste discharge. Our water treatment solutions are based on value engineering and designed to reduce life cycle cost.

IONIC Waste Water Treatment

Waste Water Treatment

IONIC Border

Treating waste water is more difficult than treating water, whether it is Sewage water or Industrial waste water. Our experience in dealing with diverse industries makes it possible to offer techno-economically optimum solution for treating industrial waste water.

IONIC Integrated Total Water Solutions

Integrated Total Water Solutions

IONIC Border

Ionic Provides integrated solution for zero liquid discharge and water recycling system. Ionic can provide evaporators for achieving zero discharge requirement from industries and process using which water can be easily recycled.

Featured Projects

IONIC Border

IONIC Projects

Project 1

Project 1

This is a turnkey export project for a large reputed Global FMCG leader for a fully automatic high efficiency high purity process water treatment system.

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IONIC Projects

Project 2

Project 2

The Tubular membrane Filtration project is for treating waste water. The system is fully automatic and consists of Reaction tanks, Chemical dosing systems ...

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IONIC Projects

Project 3

Project 3

Process Water treatment is important. More important is how efficiently the water is treated! Our globally well-known Cosmetic market leader understood the importance of efficiency and awarded us a turnkey project. The project was won against stiff competition from large well known global and Indian water treatment companies because of the technology, value engineering, quality and solution offered by Ionic.

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IONIC Projects

Project 4

Project 4

This is a turnkey project for a large reputed Aerospace company for a fully automatic high efficiency waste water treatment system.

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IONIC Projects

Project 5

Project 5

This is a turnkey export project for a large reputed Global FMCG leader for a fully automatic high efficiency high purity process water treatment system.

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Industry Verticals

IONIC Border

Ionic is dedicated to the design, supply, service and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment plant and
equipment for the following industries

IONIC Automative Industries


IONIC Aerospace Industries


IONIC Engineering Industries


IONIC Chemical Industries


IONIC Petrochemical Industries


IONIC Agrochemicals Industries


IONIC Power Generation


IONIC Food & Beverages

Food &

IONIC Electronics & Semiconductors

Electronics &

IONIC Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical &
Life Sciences

IONIC Cosmetics Industries


IONIC Pulp & Paper

Pulp &

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IONIC Vision

Our Vision

Helping Create a Livable Planet o help customer understand the True Cost of Water and help them take an informed decision to reach their sustainable goals.

IONIC Mission

Our Mission

To Treat Water “Differently” IONIC will be a performance oriented and customer centric company to present globally

IONIC Technology

Our Technology

Ionic Engineering Technology Pvt. Ltd. is a professionally managed company by people with over 27 years of hardcore experience in water.

IONIC Quality

Our Quality

Ionic Engineering Technology Pvt. Ltd. is a professionally managed company by people with over 27 years of hardcore experience in water.

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IONIC Save Water Tips

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Effective and simple ways to save water

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TUV NORD Certified company

IONIC Contract Manufacturing

Contract Manufacturing

Ionic has experience in manufacturing high quality water treatment skids

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Environmental Policies

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IONIC Border

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